Thursday, April 27, 2017

My Testimony

My journey through life began in June of 1998 in San Diego, California. Two years after I was born, my family decided to move to Olive Branch, Mississippi. In the small town of Olive Branch stands Immanuel Baptist Church. This church soon became my home, and there was never a day when I wasn’t there.

Growing up, I had great Sunday school teachers, and they all taught me the importance of knowing the Bible. I memorized John 3:16. “For God so loved the word that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.” This verse stuck with me and the Lord began to work in my heart. I was taught about heaven and hell and about sin and its consequences. The thought of hell terrified me, and I knew that I didn’t want to go there. But more importantly, whether it is heaven or hell, I wanted to serve and honor Jesus for the rest of my life.

God continued to work in my heart and at the age of nine years old, I made the decision to follow Him for the rest of my life. I admitted that I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I believe that Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins. And I confessed that Jesus is  Lord of my life. Through this amazing decision, God showed me so much!
 "I have an unexplainable joy that I wish to share with everyone!"

There are definitely some hard days when nothing goes right, but God is trustworthy and He grows my faith to be stronger in Him every day. Not everyone understands, and sometimes it’s hard to be a follower, but honestly, when I think about the smile that I put on my Saviors face by living for Him, nothing compares.